7th July 2021 - e-jobsheet helps 4,000 UK fleet vehicles a day
CAM International

The first e-jobsheet was processed and validated at the CV Show in Birmingham at the end of April 2016

Some 4,000 fleet vehicles are being assisted back on the road every weekday in the UK via commercial tyre service providers using mIT@’s e-jobsheet tablet app.

e-jobsheet enables job data to be passed automatically from the tablet via TiDaeX within seconds of a job being completed, including a copy of the job card, signatures and any photos provided. The operation delivers digital evidence of the high-quality service and commercial transaction undertaken to customers.

60 per cent of the dealers integrate e-jobsheet into their systems, receiving the digital job data for population into their contract, stock, billing and other management software modules, saving them rekeying in time and administrative costs, and projecting a strong professional image to customers. The remaining 40 per cent of subscribers operate a ‘standalone’ system, benefiting from receiving the signed jobsheet via email, enabling them to adjust stock and create invoices manually.

Steve Daly of mIT@ commented: “Whether tyre servicing operators have an integrated solution or subscribe to the ‘standalone’ version of e-jobsheet, the digital journey of that commercial transaction is shared quickly and simply with the fleets, promoting a very positive image and making it easy to do business with the fleet tyre service provider.”

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